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Arcanor fuses ADS-B data with passenger mobility and segments audiences to show active competition metrics.
Vision helps decision-makers monitor market dynamics through active market mobility data
Laser helps companies precisely target specific audiences and increase ad efficiency
Dive deep into competition patterns, relationships and market dynamics.
Airline Passenger Metrics
Understand your potential customers where they prefer to spend time and what are their other behavioral patterns and preferences.
Passenger Preferences
Vision enables to understand passenger segmentation, airport preferences through highly granular GPS mobility data.
Frequent Active Flyers Targeting
Arcanor is the first to match mobile phone mobility data with aircraft signals to create a bigger picture of the aviation industry.
Global Aircraft & Passenger Mobility Data Fusion
Vision: We provided real-time customer insights with Indoor and Outdoor passenger journey maps.
Laser : We improved app usage and access performance
Airport Data Monetization Project
If you would like to see an example, we created sample dashboards for all sectors with real data. Please contact us for access.